Town of Malta Parks, Recreation & Human Services
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Camp Malta-Full Day Camp Register View Cart

CAMP MALTA, a full day program, is held at the Malta Community Center.

This NYS Health Department licensed program is supervised with professional counseling staff.

This program is open to children entering Kindergarten through sixth grade in the fall of 2025 

Participants enjoy summer days packed with fun activities such as; sports, crafts, games, movies, library time, science/nature activities and special guest programs.

Note: New deadline requirements and registration dates

New registration and drop dates
Camp Malta  2025
June 30-August 22 (closed July 4)
Registrations opens on Wednesday, February 5 for enrollment in 6-8 weeks
Registration opens on Wednesday, February 12 for enrollment in 3 or more weeks
The minimum number of weeks you can enroll is 3 weeks
The last day to drop any weeks is Wednesday, May 21.  
Applications and additional information will be available on-line or at the Malta Community Center after Wednesday, January 17. 
Resident $175 per child per week
Non-Residents $190 per child per week

Extended Care:
8:00-9:00am  $30 per week per child
4:00-5:00pm  $30 per week per child

Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
AM care 8:00 am - 9:00am
PM care 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(AM & PM care is available at an additional fee)
Location: Malta Community Center

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Download Registration Packet
Camp Malta 
N/A K - 6 Tu 

Malta Community Center - Class Room 105
$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res

Registration opens February 13. Please download a Registration Packet and Parent Handbook. send back via mail, fax or in person
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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