Town of Malta Parks, Recreation & Human Services
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Pickleball Programs-
Indoors at Malta Community Center

Pickleball programs will have 28 players on three courts.  Courts are open for two hours where you can play with others of like ability.
No Formal Instruction  

Must Pre register for entire program   
Provide your own paddles.
How the Program Works
All games played will be doubles games
There is no assignment to a court based on skill level (see guidelines for player’s skill level below)

If courts are occupied, how the next players will proceed will be determined based on the level of play and group size at the time of play.  

Games are played to 11-9 points

Beginners Drop-In Pickleball   Monday Day 11:30AM-1:00PM (Ends 6/23)
Pickleball players which have experience playing at the Beginner’s level can drop in for two hours of open play.  The program will be limited to 24 players with 3 courts available.  
No instructor

Intermediate Drop-In Pickleball Monday Nights 6-8 PM
Pickleball players which play at the Intermediate level
(see level description below) can drop in for two hours of open play.  The program will be limited to 24 players with 3 courts available.  No instructor
Registration will be taken at the front desk on the day of play.
Exact Change in Cash is Appreciated. Proof required for residency discount.

Beginners/Intermediate Tuesday Night Drop-In Pickleball
Pickleball players which play at the beginners/intermediate level (see level description below) can drop in for two hours of open play.  The program will be limited to 24 players with 3 courts available.  No instructor  Registration taken at the front desk on the day of play.
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm
Exact Change in Cash is Appreciated. Proof required for residency discount.

Skill Levels Definitions based on the USAPA
Minimum Skills Needed
This player is just starting to play pickleball and has some experience playing. Minimal understanding of rules of the game.
Minimum Skills Needed:
This player has limited experience. Can sustain a short rally with players of equal ability. Basic ability to keep score.
Minimum Skills Needed:
Improved stroke development with moderate level of shot control.

Learning stroke form and starting to develop consistency but will avoid if possible.

Consistently gets serve/return in play with limited ability to control depth.

Increased consistency, with limited ability to control height/depth. Sustains medium length rallies. Starting to understand variations of pace.

Developing the drop shot in a way to get to the net.

Is able to volley medium paced shots thereby developing control.

Moves quickly towards the non-volley zone (NVZ) when opportunity is there. Acknowledges difference between hard game and soft game and is starting to vary own game during recreation and tournament play. Can sustain short rallies. Is learning proper court positioning. Basic knowledge of stacking and understands situations where it can be effective.

Pickleball Instructors 

Ed Koivula has been playing competitive tennis since 1990 and playing pickleball for seven years.  He is a Level 1 certified pickleball instructor by Pickleball Coaching International.  He is a 4.5 player that has medaled in tournaments at the local, state and international level. Ed enjoys working with players to improve fundamentals and use them to execute tactics and strategies.  Ed taught tennis as a United States Professional Tennis Registry certified tennis instructor and is currently a NYS certified public High School coach.

Mary Knepper (Mary Pat) started playing Pickleball in 2019.  She realized an immediate love and passion for the sport, and soon after obtained an IPTPA (International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association) Level 1 Pickleball Instructor certification.  Her enthusiasm for the sport, along with recognizing students' wants, needs, and abilities is key to helping students advance their Pickleball game.

Speciality Pickleball Clinics

Clinics are 90 minutes long, 60 minutes of instruction followed by 30 minutes of play utilizing the skills you learned unless other wise described.

Beginners Skills and Drills:
Did you know that the very best way to improve your Pickleball game is repetition? This class is for the Beginners who have some experience playing. Students should be familiar with good fundamental strokes and full knowledge of the rules of game play who are looking to practice their skills to improve their game through a series of 3 skills and drills sessions. In each lesson, we will focus on specific skills, explore techniques and strategy while building muscle memory through drills and repetition. We will work on skills including serving, serve return, the third shot, dinking, and court strategy.

Pickleball 101
Learn the fastest growing sport in North America. This class will give you the skills necessary to get started playing doubles Pickleball. You’ll learn the basic game overview, how to keep score, basic footwork and stroke mechanics, serving, and returning.
(Beginners with no experience)
Pickleball 102
This class will take Pickleball 101 one more step. Participants will continue to work on their 101 skills. In addition, you will learn basic court skill;  shot placement, moving with your doubles partner, and when to move up to the NVZ (no volley zone) or kitchen line.
Prerequisite: Pickleball 101

The Third Shot 101
Learn one of the most important shots in pickleball to help the serving  team get to the net and win more points. This class will give you the skills to execute a third shot drive, lob or drop shot. 
Prerequisite: Six months of playing experience

Dinking 101
You served, they returned service, and your third shot brought you and your partner up to the NVZ. You’ve neutralized play and the dink rally begins. This class will teach you dinking footwork, dinking control, strokes and strategies. 
Prerequisite: Pickleball 101, 102, or already play and fully understand the game 

The First 4 Shots 
When you hit a short serve, you’re giving a big advantage to your opponent by helping them get to the NVZ in a jiffy. When you send back a short return of serve you’re also giving a big advantage to your opponent by inviting them to the NVZ. Learn how to strategically use the first four shots in pickleball to your advantage and win more points.
Prerequisite: Six months of playing experience. 

This class is for experienced players with good fundamentals and full knowledge of the game. The focus will be on improving the third shot drop and dinking skills. Participants will review the techniques of this skill, repeat and practice the skill to improve muscle memory and incorporate the skill into game play. Prerequisite: Pickleball 101 and 102, already play and fully understand the game, and be able to keep up a steady rally.

Learn to Play Pickleball 4-week series
Learn the fastest growing sport in North America. This 4-week clinic will teach you the skills necessary to get started playing doubles Pickleball. Paddletek paddles and balls are available to borrow. (Beginners with no experience)
Week one you will learn the basic game overview, basic footwork, stroke mechanics, serving, and returning. Week two you expand your skills and learn basic court skills, shot placement, moving with your doubles partner and when to move up to the NVZ (no volley zone) or kitchen line when you’re the receiving team. Week three you will learn strategies on how to move up to the kitchen line when you are the serving team. Week four put what you have learned into action through structured play with other class participants and the instructor.

KEEP THEM BACK! Improve your forehand, backhand, punch volley and blocking shot at the net.
This class is for experienced players with full knowledge of the rules of game play. The focus will be on improving the return of service by improving your stroke mechanics for your forehand and backhand.  You’ll also learn the blocking shot at the net to keep your opponent’s back.
Prerequisite: Pickleball 101 and 102 or already play and fully understand the game

Pickleball Strategy & Court Coverage

This clinic is for experienced players looking to take a new step. We will concentrate on the mental part of the game. Mental toughness and patience are essential skills on the pickleball court. Players will learn how to move with their partner to cover the court, improve anticipation, eliminate, create and use angles, construct points, identify and exploit opponent weaknesses, how to stay mentally tough and reset after each point.

Novice Pickleball Mini Program
Do you want to join a pickleball program but not sure if you are ready?  Do you know the basics of pickleball?  Join us for a new program that will let players who are just learning the sport get comfortable enough to join in a free play program.

This 4-week session is to get the new players acquainted with how free play works and to work on basic skills with player who have very little experience. Participants must have taken Pickleball 101 or 102. (or similar experience) There is no formal instruction just instructional reminders on how to Serve, Volley, Double-Bounce Rule, Scoring, Player Position for Doubles and Doubles Play Positioning Movements.

Advanced Practice Sessions (4-week session)
Have you taken a lesson or clinic and then struggled to find an environment to practice what you learned? These classes will provide you with the environment to practice what you’ve learned and perfect your game.  During these practice sessions emphasis will be put on repetition and development of muscle memory retention using drills and drill games. Skills include serve, return of serve, third shot options, transitioning to the NVZ and dinking. This clinic is geared towards advanced beginner and intermediate players that are looking to take their game to the next.

Private Lessons Available

1 person $70 hour
2 people $70 hour
3 people $99 hour

Scheduled on request call the office and ask for Mary to book a lesson.  In order to book a lesson you must have an account.          (Please set up an account before making a schedule request)

Additional Forms and Files:
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Keep Them Back 
18y and up N/A Tu  03/11/2025
01:45 PM - 03:15 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
6 seat(s) available
Bring a Paddle or we have a few to share
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Pickleball 101 
18y and up N/A Tu  04/15/2025
01:45 PM - 03:15 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
6 seat(s) available
Bring a Paddle or we have a few to share
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Pickleball 101 
18y and up N/A Tu  03/11/2025
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
5 seat(s) available
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Pickleball 102 
18y and up N/A Tu  02/25/2025
01:45 PM - 03:15 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
5 seat(s) available
Bring a Paddle or we have a few to share
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Pickleball 102 
18y and up N/A Tu  04/15/2025
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
6 seat(s) available
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18y and up N/A Tu  02/04/2025
01:45 PM - 03:15 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$25.00 Res, $29.00 Non-Res
1 seat(s) available
Bring a Paddle or we have a few to share
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Learn to play pickleball 4-week series Session II 
18y and up N/A 04/04/2025 - 04/25/2025
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$99.00 Res, $109.00 Non-Res
10 seat(s) available
4 week series Bring a paddle if you have one. We have a few to share
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Advanced Practice pickleball 4-week series 
18y and up N/A 01/31/2025 - 02/28/2025
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$99.00 Res, $109.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
4 week series Note: skip date Feb 21
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Pickleball Program Beginners Monday Afternoon Session I 
16y and up N/A 01/06/2025 - 02/10/2025
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$19.00 Res, $23.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program Beginners Monday Afternoon Session II 
16y and up N/A 02/24/2025 - 04/28/2025
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$39.00 Res, $45.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program- Nights Wed Beginners Session l 
18y and up N/A 01/08/2025 - 02/12/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$23.00 Res, $27.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program- Nights Wed Beginners Session lI 
18y and up N/A 02/26/2025 - 04/23/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$35.00 Res, $39.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program Thurs Beg/Int Session I 
18y and up N/A Th  01/02/2025 - 02/13/2025
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$26.00 Res, $32.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
No instructor
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program Thurs Beg/Int Session II 
18y and up N/A Th  02/27/2025 - 04/24/2025
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$35.00 Res, $39.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
No instructor
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Pickleball Program Friday Intermediate Session I 
18y and up N/A 01/03/2025 - 02/14/2025
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$26.00 Res, $32.00 Non-Res
1 seat(s) available
   This Activity Full
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Pickleball Program Friday Intermediate Session II 
18y and up N/A 02/28/2025 - 04/25/2025
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$35.00 Res, $39.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
  No Registration Required
Mondays Beginners Drop-In Pickleball 
16y and up N/A 01/08/2024 - 02/24/2025
11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$3.00 Res, $5.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
  No Registration Required
Intermediate Mondays Night Drop-In Pickleball 
16y and up N/A 01/08/2024 - 02/24/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$3.00 Res, $5.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
  No Registration Required
Beginners/Intermediate Tuesdays Night Drop-In Pickleball 
16y and up N/A Tu  01/02/2024 - 02/25/2025
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$3.00 Res, $5.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
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Novice Pickleball Mini Program Wednesday 
16y and up N/A 01/08/2025 - 01/29/2025
11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$19.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
9 seat(s) available
participants should have taken 101 or have similar experience. No instructor
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Novice Pickleball Mini Program Session I 
16y and up N/A Tu  02/04/2025 - 03/04/2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$19.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
12 seat(s) available
participants should have taken 101 or have similar experience. No instructor
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Novice Pickleball Mini Program Session II 
16y and up N/A Tu  03/11/2025 - 04/01/2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Malta Community Center - Gym
$19.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
15 seat(s) available
participants should have taken 101 or have similar experience. No instructor
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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