Town of Malta Parks, Recreation & Human Services
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Preschool Programs Register View Cart

preschool on floor program
Preschool Programs

The Holiday preschool program is taught by Miss Barbara Mazurak, Youth Director who has over 20 years teaching experience.
Our preschool programs are one of our most popular programs. Children are engaged through music, art and friendship.  Each activity is centered around a theme and presented to encourage preschoolers to learn and be independent.

Classes Limited to 15 Participants. One adult must accompany each child and may be asked to participate at times.

Colorful Leaves are Falling!
This is a preschool program for children ages 2-4 and their parents/caregivers
celebrating the changing colors of Fall.  The class will include a seasonal craft project, music, movement activities, parachute fun and seasonal stories.  The children will make applesauce for a snack.

Let’s Celebrate with Halloween Fun!
Preschoolers (ages 2-4) and their parents/caregivers will gather for Halloween Fun.  The class will include a Halloween craft project, music, movement activities and seasonal stories. Children can wear their Halloween costumes.  There will be a time for “Trick or Treating” around the Malta Community Center.  Pumpkin muffins will be served for a snack.

Thanksgiving Celebration.  It’s Turkey Time!
Join together with preschoolers (2 -4) and their parents/caregivers for a construction paper turkey craft decoration. This class will also include music, movement activities and seasonal stories.  The children will help in mixing up some pumpkin pancakes for a snack.

Celebrating the Holiday Season!
Calling all preschoolers (2 -4) to make a Santa Count-Down to Christmas calendar.  All supplies will be provided.  This class will include music, movement activities and seasonal stories. Children will decorate a sugar cookie for a snack.

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Let's Celebrate with Halloween Fun ! 
2y - 4y N/A Tu  10/15/2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Malta Community Center - Multipurpose 104
$12.00 Res, $16.00 Non-Res
Parent/guardian must accompany child and may be asked to participate
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Thanksgiving Celebration. Turkey Time! 
2y - 4y N/A Tu  11/19/2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Malta Community Center - Multipurpose 104
$12.00 Res, $16.00 Non-Res
Parent/guardian must accompany child and may be asked to participate
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Celebrating the Holiday Season ! 
2y - 4y N/A Tu  12/03/2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Malta Community Center - Multipurpose 104
$12.00 Res, $16.00 Non-Res
Parent/guardian must accompany child and may be asked to participate
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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